Hi there!
I'm luft, welcome to my webpage!
The idea is that this will be some sort of portfolio webpage for my music and digital art.
Here, you can listen to my songs through the media player, and I will soon try to add guest book support as well so you can leave messages :D.
If you want to reach out in the meantime, there are contact links in the footer below :).
So since you're on the about page, here's a little about me:
I'm a swedish music producer and digital creative - I enjoy nostalgic graphic design, hyperpop, ambient, programming and old technology. I use Ableton for music, Gimp for graphic design and I sometimes use TouchDesigner and python for creative programming / generative art.
I'd love to learn more about generative art and especially shaders, but for now I haven't delved into it.
That's all for now!
Take care,